Councilman Rocky Chavez

When announcing his bid for re-election, Councilman Rocky Chavez said he, Jack Feller and Terry Johnson led the effort to get Manchester out of town, as though they deserved credit. Everyone in Oceanside knows these are the very people who were enthusiastic supporters of the Manchester project fiasco.
Chavez supporter Councilman Feller stated Oceanside is dependent on "progressive thinking" and we are no longer a "quaint" city, but claims other council members want it to be. Feller rarely meets a development plan he doesn't support, and often says our city is not a "Mayberry" small town any longer. His full-speed-ahead progressive approach to development could ruin our city forever if allowed to prevail.
It is to their credit that the majority of the council are being watchful about density of development, high-rise projects or changing the local coastal plan. We should applaud their sensitivity. It is Feller who is out of step.
Keeping the character and flavor of our city intact should be a goal for all residents, including Feller. There is nothing wrong with having some quaintness left in our city to enjoy as we progress. It's a reason we choose to live here instead of Los Angeles.

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